
Thursday, 27 June 2019

Weekly update for the 28 June

Weekly update for the 28 June

Hello this week has been pretty cool because we have won pizza for the whole class.  This is how we got it. 

So a few weeks ago we had a spelling test and you would  have to get sponsors.  So for each word you would get paid the amount that the sponsor would willing to pay  so I got 1 sponsor and my dad was willing to pay 50 cents per word and this is where the pizza came in.  The first class to bring ALL the slips with the words/money in it would get pizza for lunch and that's what we did;).

Guess what else happened? We had a sausage sizzle yesterday and I got two sausages but the problem  we had to wait long time for the sausages to arrive so I went to go help with the sausages and it turned out that they needed some help so  I filled up the  ketchup containers and in the end I had a good lunch!

This week we found out that the sandpit was incredibly fun because we  dug a massive  hole but we couldn't get it that deep because near the bottom there was a clay and the shovel couldn't break through the clay so we decided that we should use all of this sand and put it into a big container.  It  took quite a while to fill it up and compound the sand so it would not break that easily.  Here is the picture of us tipping it over  

Thursday, 20 June 2019

Week 8 Sparkly Update

Sparkly update Week 8

Today we are having a amazing day!  We are having a day where we dress up in something sparkly or something colourful. I wore a very bright red jersey, a blue and red football t-shirt also some blue pants.  We have just started the day and I am already having fun. I will show you what is all about -putting a sparkle in someone's day is being kind to someone and it's really fun.  We  listened to this song called ''Get your sparkle on''  I will put a link to this song,  and a quote  about  to not be afraid to do what you want to be in life and never give up.

Another thing we had this week was basketball zones.  We had four games to show how good we are. We won the first game and lost the other three but surprisingly we came seventh out of ten teams!  '~'

Thursday, 13 June 2019

Friday 14 June

Weekly update Friday 14 June

This week was a very interesting week. We got to learn lots of new stuff. The first thing I want to tell you about is our new inquiry project. Harrison and I are going to make a sushi stand to raise money so if we sell everything we will earn $142.5o but I don't think we will. Another thing we got to do is watch Middleton Grange High School play music. They were AMAZING! They had a jazz band as well as a orchestra. My  favourite instrument was the base guitar. 

Week 9, 20 September

Week 9 review My highlight of the week is production because all of these 6 weeks  have lead up to yesterday because we have been acting ...